Monthly Archives: July 2011

Concepts: Spirits


I’ve been throwing around this idea for awhile after sitting in the basement burning incense on a winter afternoon a few years ago. The sun streaming in through dusty blinds, white smoke curling up hitting the beams here and there. Suddenly, there they were. Faces, people, tiny fairies floating above my head.

My iPhone camera must have wondered what the hell was going on. After many sticks of incense and hundreds of clicks poof they were gone. The resulting photos didn’t really encompass the real life visions. I worked with just the digital images for over a year. Playing with light, color and contrast sometimes brought out the original life seen in the smoke. Nothing seemed to bring back that magical feeling.

Until a few weeks ago when I started playing with another iproduct/app for the iPad called sketch club. Importing the edited photos and layering them with sketches brought them back to life.

Above is just the first raw beginning of the idea. She’s lovely just sitting there. I wonder what she is thinking, seated on the air. There are so many possibilities here. So many places to take a series like this. I’m excited to see where it goes. Where the spirits move me… Har har har.

Seriously though. It’s nice to have a new direction as I reach the completion of the 1001 stars project it was beginning to feel as if I had lost inspiration. It’s nice to have her back.

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Filed under Artwork, Drawing, Ideas, Photo Projects